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League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena game, where players fight as a team against another team. The game has different levels called ranks or tiers. The highest of these ranks is the Challenger class, with the lowest being Iron. One of the most sought-after ranks is Platinum. Reaching Platinum is a great accomplishment, and many players are trying to climb their way up the ranks. However, there is no easy way to reach Platinum. It takes a lot of skill, effort, and dedication to get there. In this article, we will reveal the secrets to climbing to Platinum in League of Legends.

Master the Basics:

Before trying to climb the ranks, you need to master the basics of the game. You need to know how to last hit minions, properly use the Map awareness, know when to engage and disengage fights, and communicate well with your team. It's essential to learn how to play at least three champions from different roles. Once you have mastered these basics, you can start to climb the ranks.

Set Realistic Goals:


You must set realistic goals for yourself. Starting at Iron and believing that you will reach Platinum in one month is unrealistic. You need to set achievable goals that will motivate you on the way. Reaching Gold or Silver is the first step. You can then focus on reaching the next rank. Make sure you celebrate each milestone you achieve, and don't forget to have fun.

Focus on Fewer champions:

One of the crucial things is to focus on fewer champions. It's better to be a one-trick pony than to play many champions poorly. By focusing on fewer champions, you can learn their mechanics, counters, strengths, and weaknesses. You will become more comfortable playing them, and you won't get confused by other champion's animations. Besides, playing a few champions will allow you to master them, and you will know which champions to pick during the draft phase.

Play Consistently and Actively:

You must play consistently and actively to increase your chances of climbing the ranks. Playing one game that lasts one hour per week will not help you climb. Consistent playtime will help you keep your skills sharp. Besides, playing regularly will keep you up to date with the latest patch updates and meta changes. Playing actively is also essential. Don't play when you're tired or angry. Take breaks when you need to, and don't let emotions affect your gameplay. Playing actively will ensure that you make the right decisions and play to the best of your ability.

Learn from your Mistakes:

Finally, learning from your mistakes is crucial when climbing the ranks. Watching replays of your games and analyzing them will help you identify where you went wrong and what you need to do to improve. Don't blame others for your mistakes, but take responsibility for them. Learning from your mistakes will help you play smarter and more efficiently.


The path to Platinum is not easy, but it's achievable. By mastering the basics, setting realistic goals, focusing on fewer champions, playing consistently and actively, and learning from your mistakes, you can increase your chances of reaching Platinum in League of Legends. Always remember to have fun and enjoy the game. After all, that's what games are all about.